Public Displays of Affection Too Much for CCHS

by Caleb Hanson

by Caleb Hanson

PDA is always around like when you’re walking through the hallway and you see two students making out or getting very touchy-feely. These are public displays of affection, also know as PDA. There’s different ways people view PDA. Some people think that PDA is just people hugging in public or even just holding hands. Others think that kissing is PDA.

At CCHS, a lot of people think its stupid that we can’t even hug one another in the hallways. Many people don’t think that hugging is considered PDA because friends hug to show that they care about eachother. A reason why most people wouldn’t think that this is PDA is because you see your parents hug each other and  you see your friends hug each other; it’s just an everyday thing.

Attitudes regarding PDA could also be determined by what age group is committing the PDA. If anyone would see a couple in their 60’s or 70’s making out in the mall, most people in their teens and twenties would get really grossed out because they don’t think its okay for them to do things like that especially in public. At the same time, if two older people saw teenagers making out in public, they might think it is too much and label it PDA.

Chynna Beydler stated, “I think that PDA is bad and that it is gross to see people do it in public.”

The appropriateness of PDA could also depend on the time and place where you are. If you’re at a movie, you will probably see a couple kissing or holding hands or cuddling, but if you were to see that in a mall or in a grocery store, you would think that it’s really weird and needs to stop.

Shailee Patel junior, said, “It all just depends on where I see the PDA.” Patel says she doesn’t think its bad to show affection, but sometimes its not the right time or place.


Carlos Tamayo is receiving love and affection from a fellow classmate.

The student handbook at CCHS says that PDA is a level one offense. A level one offense includes a conference with the principal or dean of students and 30 minutes of detention. Your parent or guardian will be notified as well.



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